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당신은 더자신감 있게영어로말할 준비가 되셨나요?

새로운 언어를 배우는 것은 쉽지 않습니다. 마법 같은 버튼도, 단축키도, 비밀 공식도 없습니다. 시간과 노력 그리고 열심히 하는 것만이 필요하죠! 제가 대신 해줄 수는 없지만… 혼자서 하지 않아도 됩니다! 약간의 도움과 많은 연습(그리고 아마도 몇 번의 웃음) — 약속드립니다. 얼마나 성장할 수 있는지 놀라게 될 것입니다. 어떻게 도와 드릴까요?

편리한 온라인 수업

혼잡한 교실은 잊어버리세요! 집에서 1대1 수업. (잠옷 입고 영어를 연습하는 건 어때요? 😝)

 자격증이 있는 원어민 선생님

언어는 문법을 공부하는 것이 다가 아닙니다!
실생활 표현, 표준 발음, 그리고 미국 문화를 배우세요.

현대적인 방식

지루한 교과서는 이제 그만! 실생활 표현과 직접 참여하기 쉽게 만들어진 수업 자료를 바탕으로 한 대화연습에 초점을 맞춘 수업입니다.

check out what my students have to say

(aren't they the sweetest 😊?)

저는 1년동안 브라이언 선생님의 수업을 들었는데 강추드려요:) 특히 English workshop 수업은 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기를 골고루 연습할 수 있어요. 수업 주제도 다양하고 난이도 별로 준비되어 있기 때문에 자신에게 알맞는 레벨과 자신이 관심있는 주제에 대해서 영어로 연습할 수있습니다. 그리고 아카데믹한 글쓰기를 원하시는 분께도 추천드립니다! 단순히 영어문법만을 체크해주시는 것이 아니라 더 전문적이고 아카데믹한 글을 쓸 수 있도록 지도해주세요.

ReamySouth Korea

Brian is a professional teacher. He is calm and attentive. He has his own material, which is very useful. He corrects my grammar mistakes immediately. I have learned a lot because he encouraged me to compose sentences by using phrasal verbs. I recommend this teacher.


Étant depuis un an sur italki, c'est l'un des meilleurs professeurs que j'ai eu. Les cours portent toujours sur des sujets intéressants et variés. Brian est très professionnel dans sa manière d'enseigner : ponctuel, organisé, il nous envoie des documents, rédige des fiches avec nous pour progresser en prononciation, en vocabulaire et en grammaire. En bref, un super professeur pour progresser en anglais !


Brian è un ottimo insegnante, è gentile e cortese. Cerca di capire chi sei e cosa vuoi dalle lezioni con lui. Poi capito cosa cerchi, studia ed applica la cosa giusta per il tuo apprendimento. Lo consiglio vivamente, è molto bravo.


Очень рекомендую занятия с Браеном всем, кто хотел бы улучшить конкретные языковые навыки - например, бизнес-коммуникацию на английском. Браен работает по собственной интерактивной и вовлекающей методике, дает очень много полезной информации и советов, которые можно применить на практике. Если вам нужен реальный опыт в использовании американского английского, Браен станет вашим лучшим помощником. Очень рекомендую этого преподавателя!


I enjoyed this class very much! I am at a very beginning of my journey and I am happy that my husband suggested to work with Brian. His English classes are well–structured and he is easy to speak with. Frankly speaking I was a bit scared to work with native speaker, but everything turned out well. Looking forward to my next class!


Antes de la lección me envío una serie de ejercicios para leer y responder unas preguntas, bastante interesante y útil, también había una parte escrita. La lección fue muy bien, primeramente estuvo haciéndome unas preguntas y mientras tanto iba corrigiendome los errores o el nuevo vocabulario al mismo tiempo. Después hemos revisado lo que había escrito y hemos estado mirando unas frases idiomaticas, el hacia un ejemplo y luego yo otro. Las clases están muy preparadas. Lo recomiendo 100%.


The lesson was very engaging and useful. At the beginning of the lesson he corrected and explained my mistakes in the homework. I repeat it: great lesson, thank you, Brian!


He is a good teacher. He kindly explained English words, listened to students' opinions, and gave good feedback. and he was equipped with good microphone equipment, so I could hear his pronunciation, accent, and expression cleanly. Thank you.

Anonymous StudentPrivate Online School

It was a great class as always. He is an excellent and patient teacher! He provides clear explanations so I can learn a lot from him. Thank you so much, Brian!


Thanks Brian! I learned a lot from you and your class is really good and organized. It's very helpful for improving my English! I look forward to the next class. 🙂


Finished my first homework. It contained a short video from Vox with questions worksheet, and essay part (you have to write 100+ words). First half-hour of the lesson we had Q&A on the specific topic (Favorite books, TV shows and movies); then discussed mistakes in my essay. Brian is very supportive. He correct me when I mispronounced words and gave me really useful explanations on some idioms. Looking forward to next lesson.


Brian is very patient and always ready to help, he sends homework that helps to increase my vocabulary.


Brian is a great teacher. In the first part of the lesson we had conversation, this time we spoke about goals. After, Brian checked my homework with me and we carried on to work
with phrasal verbs. I like the way Brian teaches me.


I found that Brian is a very good and supportive teacher. He corrected my pronunciation and helped me find new words during the lesson. We had common interesting topics to talk about and overall it was a great conversation experience!


Very good teacher, with a lot of patience; English business courses are well-structured with a lot of resources. I highly recommend Brian.


Brian is a great teacher! He's patient, kind and a good listener. If you're looking to improve your conversion skills and take your English to the next level, Brian is the one for you. Highly recommended!


Thank you for your great lesson and everything as always! I love your lesson and your wonderful personality! See you next time 🙂


One of the best teachers I've had on [redacted]. He was so organized and the lesson was perfect. What I enjoyed the most is that he didn't just get us read the words from the presentation but instead made us write some sentences using the words or added very interesting questions for us to answer -with I found it VERY useful. Thanks Brian! You rock!!

Anonymous StudentPrivate Online School

Today, Brian again helped me to level up my English skills. It was so productive, intuitive, and interesting. Thank you and see you next time.


During this lesson I learned a lot of useful words, expressions and some phrasal verbs. First half hour we had speaking practice, then Brian checked home task and corrected mistakes I made. After that we learned new phrasal verbs and he explained to me the meanings until I understood. The lesson passed easily and quickly.


It was great. Brian came well-prepared with a good methodology. There was a small incident with computer's voice system while the lesson was happening, but he was patient and be willing to solve the problem with me. Highly recommended!


Well-prepared teacher that got everyone speaking. Also, had an excellent way of dealing with us and promoting development. For example, while one was speaking and making one or two mistakes, you were writing down notes to demonstrate and explain the mistakes as soon as one had finished talking, instead of interrupting our efforts in expressing ourselves in English. Thank you!

Anonymous StudentPrivate Online School

Es macht einfach Spaß mit Brian zu arbeiten. Sein Unterricht ist spannend und hat eine nachhaltige Wirkung. Danke dir!
