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Top 5 Language Learning Apps

Do you use apps to practice English? Listen to learn about my recommended apps for English learners. First, try listening without reading the transcript. After…
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I Can’t Teach You That…

What stops you from making connections with native speakers? Listen to learn about communication skills you'll need to learn outside the classroom. First, try listening…
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American Culture: History of Halloween

What do you know about Halloween? In this episode, learn about one of America's most beloved holidays! Listen to learn about the history of Halloween.…
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Clothing Phrasal Verbs
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What Are Minimal Pairs?
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1 Tip That Will Bring Your English Pronunciation to the Next Level!
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5 Creepy English Halloween Idioms
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A Halloween Reading of “The Tell-Tale Heart”
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Have you heard my podcast? Check it out!
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Top 3 Video Games For Improving Your English
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Which English Exam Is Best For Me?
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5 Common English Mistakes Made By Greek Speakers
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Which English Exam Is Best For Me?

Cambridge or IELTS? TOEIC or TOEFL? Let's learn more about some of the most popular English proficiency exams. Today we're talking about English proficiency exams!…
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A Halloween Reading of “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Have you heard of Edgar Allan Poe? Practice your English by reading this classic short story. Listen to a reading from Edgar Allan Poe's "The…
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Top 3 Video Games For Improving Your English

Have you tried to use video games to improve your English? Listen to learn which games I recommend. First, try listening without reading the transcript.…
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1 Tip That Will Bring Your English Pronunciation to the Next Level!

Do you make this pronunciation mistake? Keep reading to find out! Listen to learn how to improve your pronunciation. First, try listening without reading the…
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Master The 30 Most Common Phrasal Verbs

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